to have and not_to have in capybara gotcha

June 9th, 2013 - Göttingen

We were writing some tests to make sure that some elements were showed on the page only under certain circumstances when we found a seemingly contradictory behaviour of the have_content matcher.

We had an scenario involving loading more content from an ajax request similar to this:

-# test.html.haml


= button_tag("load", id:"load_btn")


-# dev_controller.rb

def bar
  render text:"new content"

On our test we were checking that the response was showed on the page:

# test.rb

describe "Capybara test" do
  it "should be able to find an element", js:true do
    visit "/dev/test"
    expect(page).to have_content("new content")

To verify that we were indeed testing this we tried to fail the test matching the opposite:

it "should be able to find an element", js:true do
  visit "/dev/test"
  expect(page).to_not have_content("new content")

but this test passes smoothly. Actually, you can put both opposite expectations together and the test will pass:

it "should be able to find an element", js:true do
  visit "/dev/test"
  expect(page).to_not have_content("new content")
  expect(page).to have_content("new content")

What gave us the clue about what was happening is that changing the order makes the test fail:

it "should be able to find an element", js:true do
  visit "/dev/test"
  expect(page).to have_content("new content")
  expect(page).to_not have_content("new content")

It seems that capybara waits for the request to finish when the expectation fails but moves along happily if it passes.

To actually test that the new content wasn’t being loaded, we had to force capybara to wait before evaluating the assertion:

# This test fails as intended:
it "should be able to find an element", js:true do
  visit "/dev/test"
  wait_until { page.evaluate_script('$.active') == 0 }
  expect(page).to_not have_content("new content")