find_each warnings
October 29th, 2016 - Bonn
Although usign find_each
, find_in_batches
to iterate through large collections
seems like a very good idea, there is a gotcha with scopes carrying limit or
order information: due to the implementation, they are (or were , up until the latest active_record versions) silently ignored.
I was playing with the idea of patching these methods to add an exception when an
order was going to be ignored, turns out that there is already a few things in
place, and more to come.
With rails 4.2.6
, the logger already warns when order or limit are present:
ActiveRecord::Batches (4.2.6)
def find_in_batches ( options = {})
# ...
if logger && ( arel . orders . present? || arel . taken . present? )
logger . warn ( "Scoped order and limit are ignored, it's forced to be batch order and batch size" )
# ...
In rails
, there is an option to throw an excepcion instead of logging a warning that we
can configure at the application level:
:error_on_ignore - Overrides the application config to specify if an error should be raised when the order and limit have to be ignored due to batching.
ActiveRecord::Batches (5.0.1)
# ActiveRecord::Base.error_on_ignored_order_or_limit = true
def act_on_order_or_limit_ignored ( error_on_ignore )
raise_error = ( error_on_ignore . nil? ? self . klass . error_on_ignored_order_or_limit : error_on_ignore )
if raise_error
raise ArgumentError . new ( ORDER_OR_LIMIT_IGNORED_MESSAGE )
elsif logger
In the next release of rails we’ll get support for limit
, whereas order
leave a warning or raise an exception depending on our settings on ActiveRecord::Base.error_on_ignored_order
The flag error_on_ignored_order_or_limit has been deprecated in favor of the current error_on_ignored_order.
Xavier Noria
Batch processing methods support limit:
Post.limit(10_000).find_each do |post|
# ...
It also works in find_in_batches and in_batches
With a rails < 5 app, we can add a patch to add the raise on ignore option manually, like here:
# initializers/raise_on_ignored_limit_or_order.rb
raise 'Can not patch this version of ActiveRecord' unless ActiveRecord :: VERSION :: STRING == '4.2.6'
module ActiveRecord
module Batches
# source:
# User.limit(1).find_each...
# ArgumentError: Limit is not supported with find_each
# remove the limit first: User.limit(1).limit(nil).find_each do ...
def find_in_batches ( options = {})
raise ArgumentError . new ( 'Limit is not supported with find_each' ) if arel . taken
raise ArgumentError . new ( 'Order is not supported with find_each' ) if arel . orders . present?
options . assert_valid_keys ( :start , :batch_size )
relation = self
start = options [ :start ]
batch_size = options [ :batch_size ] || 1000
unless block_given?
return to_enum ( :find_in_batches , options ) do
total = start ? where ( table [ primary_key ]. gteq ( start )). size : size
( total - 1 ). div ( batch_size ) + 1
# if logger && (arel.orders.present? || arel.taken.present?)
# logger.warn("Scoped order and limit are ignored, it's forced to be batch order and batch size")
# end
relation = relation . reorder ( batch_order ). limit ( batch_size )
records = start ? relation . where ( table [ primary_key ]. gteq ( start )). to_a : relation . to_a
while records . any?
records_size = records . size
primary_key_offset = records . last . id
raise "Primary key not included in the custom select clause" unless primary_key_offset
yield records
break if records_size < batch_size
records = relation . where ( table [ primary_key ]. gt ( primary_key_offset )). to_a